Carbon Peel Laser Hair Removal HIFU Teeth Whitening Tattoo Removal Dermapen Microneedling PRP Hydrafacial CO2 Laser Microneedling with PRP

Post Care for Carbon Peel

Use Sun Protection

Wearing sun protection SPF 50 is extremely important whether you are seeking a Carbon Laser Peel treatment or not. You should always wear sun protection because it protects your skin from the harsh UVA and UVB rays of the sun. This includes wearing sunscreen, as well as a hat when going out in the sun.

Refrain from Smoking

Smokers need to be extra careful when considering laser treatments because it can affect their bodies’ ability to heal and achieve optimal results. Nicotine has been known to narrow the blood vessels in the skin, which prevents nutrients from reaching the outer layer of the skin.

Carbon Laser Peel Aftercare

After a treatment, the treated area of skin may feel a little warm afterward, and there may be some slight redness. If the treatment was used to target pigmentation, the pigment may appear darker for awhile, and may feel like a slight sunburn for about an hour after the procedure. Other common side effects may include swelling of the skin, redness, and sensitivity. To reduce your chances of experiencing these side effects or to help them disappear, here are some tips for carbon laser peel aftercare.

Avoid Active Ingredients and Chemicals Before and After

After your Carbon Laser Peel appointment, the top thing you need to do is to avoid active ingredients in your skincare products and beauty routine. Avoid any products that contain alpha hydroxy acids, retinol, and glycolic acid for at least two weeks because these can irritate your skin.

Avoid Exfoliation

After a laser treatment, you should think of your skin as a fresh wound that needs to be treated with gentle care. You should avoid any products that contain strong fragrances and chemicals and stop your exfoliation for at least two weeks. You can use products with peptides, emollients, and SPF 50, and if you need to cleanse your skin, choose a milk cleanser or gentle moisturizing face wash.

Avoid Heavy Exercising

Your skin needs time to heal, and for your body to do that, it needs rest. Heavy exercising and sweating can irritate the delicate skin and slow down your ability to heal quickly. Take it easy—your skin will thank you for it!

Post Care for Laser Hair Removal

Redness & Bumps are normal

Immediately after your treatment, redness & bumps at the treatment area are common; these may last up to 2 hours or longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if the sensitivity continues. If there is any crusting, apply an antibiotic cream. Darker pigmented skin may have more discomfort than lighter skin & may persist longer.

Cleanse the area treated gently

The treated area may be washed gently with a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry & not rubbed during the first 48 hours.

No makeup & lotion/moisturizer/deodorant for the first 24 hours

Keep the treated area clean & dry, if further redness or irritation persists, skip your makeup & moisturizer, & deodorant (for underarms) until the irritation has subsided.

Dead hairs will begin to shed 5-30 days after your treatment

Stubble, representing dead hair being shed from the hair follicle, will appear within 5-30 days from the treatment date. that is normal & they will fall out quickly.

Exfoliate to speed up hair shedding

Anywhere from 5-30 days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur & this may appear as new hair growth. It is not new hair growth, but the dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You can help the hair come out by washing with a washcloth or a Exfoliating Cloth.

Avoid the sun

Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of dark or light spots for 2 months. Use sunscreen SPF 50 at all times throughout the treatment period & for 1-2 months following.

Do not pick/scratch/wax/thread/tweeze the area

Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. do not use any other hair removal methods or products, other than shaving, on the treated area during the course of your laser treatments, as it will prevent you from achieving the best results.

Hair growth varies

On average, most will experience a level of hairless happiness after 8-10 sessions which will result in not even checking for stubble (yes, it’s life changing!).

Post Care for HIFU treatment

On the day of your treatment, don’t apply any makeup or moisturiser to the treatment area. You will, however, need to apply an ultrasound gel to the area, so ensure that you have this to hand before you begin treatment.

Aftercare in the 48 Hours Following Whitening

Teeth whitening treatments involve the use of a bleaching agent in order to break down and remove stains on the tooth’s surface.

These bleaching agents penetrate your enamel through the pores in your teeth. This process opens the pores. You can think of it like putting a hot cloth on your face when washing it. The hot washcloth opens up the pores in your face so that you can more easily remove the dirt and skin oil from them. The process of teeth bleaching opens up the pores in your teeth so that the bleaching agent can be better absorbed and stains forced out.

The pores slowly close over the next two to three days, but during that time, your teeth are more susceptible to staining from foods and drinks.

For at least the first 48 hours, it’s best to avoid darkly colored foods and drinks, including berries, coffee, tea, red wine, and tomato sauce.

Additionally, you’ll want to avoid highly acidic foods, like fermented fruits and vegetables or anything put in vinegar, and you’ll want to skip eating citrus fruits.

It’s important to note that while the pores in your teeth should be back to their normal size after 48 hours, you can extend your caution for a full week in order to ensure that your teeth whitening procedure achieves the best possible results

Post Care for Tattoo Removal

What to do after your laser tattoo removal treatment

Immediately After Your Treatment Until The Area Has FULLY Healed…


Elevate the treated area above your heart intermittently. Avoid physical activities like prolonged standing or walking. This is ESPECIALLY important if your tattoo is located below the elbow or knee.


Apply cool ice packs to the affected area, taking them on and off every three to five minutes for one to two hours. Don’t apply the ice pack for more than five minutes at a time, and don’t apply it directly to your skin (wrap it in a paper or cloth towel).


Moisturize the treated area with a thick coat of Vaseline® or Aquaphor® at least three times daily. Do not allow the skin to dry out.


These include harsh soaps, medicated washes, scrubs, peels, hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin®, Polysporin®, Bacitracin®, and Aloe Vera. We recommend applying only Vaseline, Aquaphor, hydrocortisone 1%, or sunscreen as needed.


Avoid incidental or direct sun, tanning beds, spray-tans and self-tanners on your tattoo. When you are outside, protect your tattoo by applying sunblock (SPF 50+) and using barrier protection such as protective clothing or an adhesive bandage


Avoid steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, pedicures and exercise/sweating, and avoid swimming.

What To Do If You Experience These Common Side Effects….

For Swelling & Blistering

Swelling and blistering can be minimized or prevented by resting, icing and elevating the tattoo immediately following your treatment. If your tattoo develops small blisters, do not pop, scratch, or peel them—they will be reabsorbed on their own in 7-10 days. Gently apply a thick layer of Vaseline® or Aquaphor® and lightly cover with a clean, breathable gauze pad three to four times a day until fully resolved. If your blister is large or uncomfortable, please contact us.

For Itching

Itching can occur during your laser tattoo removal process, even once the tattoo is healed. We recommend taking oral liquid Benadryl®, Allegra® or Clartin® (antihistamines available over-the-counter) as needed, as well as applying hydrocortisone 1%, and Vaseline® or Aquaphor® to the affected area up to three times per day until it resolves.

For Irritation

Several types of irritation can occur after each laser tattoo removal treatment. It is normal for your tattoo to have minimum to moderate redness, petechiae (tiny broken blood vessels under the skin), pinpoint bleeding or bruising. To promote healing, apply a thick layer of Vaseline® or Aquaphor® (okay to mix in hydrocortisone 1%) and lightly cover with a clean, breathable gauze pad three to four times a day until fully resolved.

Make sure you avoid the following:

Post-Treatment Instructions

As with any cosmetic skin treatment, it’s important to look after your skin following a microneedling procedure for best results.

Post-Treatment Tips

Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications for one week after the procedure. Do not use ice on your face, and avoid using arnica/bromelain. These may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that’s critical for your skin rejuvenation. Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. After 24 hours, always use sunblock (50 SPF or higher) and wear a hat if you’re outside. Use a painkiller, such as Tylenol, if you experience any soreness.

The Healing Process: What to Expect After a Microneedling Treatment

Microneedling is a quick and non-invasive cosmetic procedure with minimal side effects. However, it’s quite normal to experience the following:

Day 1-3

A sunburn-like effect is normal. Your skin may feel tight, dry or sensitive to touch. Treat the skin gently by washing it with a gentle cleanser, cool water, and using only your hands to pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after treatment.

Some redness may also be present and in some cases, patients may experience slight bruising that can last for 5-7 days and temporary swelling for 2-4 days.

Day 2-7

Peeling may start 3-5 days after the treatment. You’ll notice skin dryness and flaking which is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. DO NOT pick, scratch, or scrub at treated skin!

Important information: You must allow the old skin to flake off naturally and keep it moisturized at all times. Talk to your skin specialist about which products to use.

Day 5-7

You may start your regular skin care products again, once your skin no longer feels irritated. Most of our patients have noticed continued skin improvement over the months following their last treatment.

For best results: We recommend follow-up and repeat microneedling treatments every 4-6 weeks, with a series of 3-5 treatments depending on your personalized care plan.


Post-Treatment Instructions


PRP therapy for hair loss is a treatment that involves withdrawing a patient's own blood, processing it so that the enriched platelets (platelet-rich plasma) remain, and then injecting it into the scalp. PRP contains essential growth factors that stimulate natural hair growth. Due to the natural variation in quality of platelet-rich plasma, results will vary between individuals. Patients typically require multiple sessions to obtain desired outcomes.


Contact the Office Immediately if any of the Following Signs of Infection Occur

HydraFacial Post-Care Instructions:

Post Care for Co2 Laser


Cleanse Always wash your hands before touching your face. Gently cleanse the skin 3 times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser (such as Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser) beginning the morning after the treatment. If the gentle cleanser is not adequately removing the ointment when you wash your face, you may cleanse with a solution of vinegar and water (1 teaspoon of white vinegar per 1 cup of water). Sponge or spray this mixture on the area and rinse off gently. Soak White vinegar soaks are very cleansing and soothing. Mix 1 teaspoon of white vinegar mixed with 1 cup of water for your vinegar soak solution. Do not use more vinegar, as the level of acidity is important. If you have burning, you may use less than a teaspoon of vinegar with 1 cup of water. Soak the gauze in the vinegar solution for 5-15 minutes then apply the gauge to the face. These soaks help with the pain, dissolve some of the residue and are anti-microbial which decreases infections. Soaks can be done every several hours. The soaks can be done at any time but may be more effective after your shower or after you wash your face and before reapplying the Aquaphor. Moisturize After cleansing your face, generously apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment (creating an occlusive barrier) taking care to cover all treated areas. The occlusive barrier is needed to provide a protective layer that will hold moisture in the skin and provide protection to the skin from pollutants in the air as the skin heals. Do not be alarmed if you experience “pin-point” bleeding, this is normal and appears worse than it is because the Aquaphor causes it to spread. Gently blot your face, BUT DO NOT RUB YOUR SKIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Reapply the Aquaphor, as needed. Do not allow the treated area to dry out. Avoid No exercise, gym, or other strenuous activity for at least 4 days. Avoid hot environments, saunas and swimming pools. You can shower but hot water/steam should be avoided. When showering, be sure to wash your hair behind you to avoid getting shampoo directly on the treated area. Avoid “picking at” and aggressively scrubbing the skin – allow it to gently exfoliate with the washing process. Avoid sleeping flat. Continue to sleep with your head elevated on pillows (head above heart) the first 2-3 nights to help minimize swelling. Avoid direct sun exposure. Do NOT apply sunblock during the first 4 days of healing. Wear a protective hat for the first 2 weeks while outdoors. Avoid dirty, dusty environments, perfumes and hairsprays on treated areas.


Healing Each client falls into a spectrum of swelling and redness over the next 5-7 days. You may experience a mild sunburn like effect, while others may have significant swelling, redness, and itching – depending on your skin type. Grid marks on the face are a result of the laser fractionation and also resolve over 5-7 days. Continue to cleanse the treated area with Cetaphil Gentle Face Wash for 7 days. DO NOT SCRATCH, PICK OR RUB THE SKIN VIGOUROUSLY. On day 4, you may stop using the Aquaphor and allow your skin to breath. You may change to a bland, fragrance free moisturizer lotion or cream once the skin is no longer sensitive, oozing, or raw. We recommend CeraVe Face Moisturizer. DO NOT apply makeup to the treated area until your skin has been reevaluated by the physician. DO NOT put any other creams or lotions on the skin except for the CeraVe Face Moisturizer. Stay out of the sun. Do not use sunscreen or other moisturizers. Be careful with hair products (shampoo, hair spray, etc.) and perfumes, so they do not touch the treated area. Post laser Skin Pinkness Pinkness is the most common complaint of post laser patients. Pinkness is a normal healing process and is a sign of newly formed skin. Pinkness is extremely variable and can last several weeks in some patients and several months in other patients. A general rule is that the longer the pinkness, the better the result as more collagen is being formed. When pinkness is extreme or longer lasting than expected it can be a sign of over aggressive scrubbing or rubbing, or a sign of some irritating substance being applied. This is new sensitive skin so you need to be very careful about what you apply to your face.


After the first week you can resume most activities other than SUN EXPOSURE. DO NOT undergo waxing, micro-dermabrasion, exfoliations or light peels over the area for 3 months from the day of treatment. Avoid sun exposure or tanning for at least 4 weeks after treatment. Once your skin has healed and you have followed up with doctor and been given the go ahead, you may begin to wear makeup. If you are able to wear makeup, mineral makeup is the best choice. In addition, a sunblock SPF 50 should be worn on a daily basis to help prevent any discoloration issues that could occur from both in-direct and direct sunlight. Call our office if you have any signs of infection

Post care for Microneedling with PRP

Please read each statement below and address any concerns with your esthetician accordingly.


Immediately after treatment your skin will be red, have pinpoint bleeding, and will feel like a fresh sun burn or wind burn. The skin may feel tight and sensitive to the touch- some of the most common side effects of treatment include mild redness, localized swelling, and dryness. The following day you may have pinpoint scabbing. The treated area/s may darken and flake away within one week. You will likely have 2-3 days of social downtime post treatment. • Clean glasses frames, cellphone screens, and anything else that comes into direct contact with the treatment area • Avoid picking or exfoliating the area and allow old/dry/dead skin to flake off naturally • Avoid makeup for at least 24 hours after treatment to avoid irritation- only a mineral makeup may be applied after • Avoid sun exposure until healed (i.e. any skin redness and/or flaking away of skin is no longer present) • Avoid exercise that causes sweating as well as jacuzzis, saunas, and hot showers until the skin is healed • Advil or Tylenol may be taken as directed for discomfort- cool compresses may also be used every 1-2 hours for 3-5 mins at a time if necessary • Change your pillow case and treat your face as an open wound until healed- once healed you may return to your regular skin care routine • For best results and efficacy, we recommend a series of 3 to 6 treatments, administered at 4-6 week intervals 2. Follow the post procedure skin care regimen and ensure hands are clean before applying any product: *Note: We will apply the PRP serum immediately after your treatment.The morning after your treatment, gently wash your face with a mild cleanser . Apply moisturizer with a physical sunscreen - you may also apply hydrocortisone as needed throughout the day . The evening after your treatment, wash your face with a mild cleanser. Apply moisturizer and SPF 50 every day. Note: If you are experiencing any uncomfortable dryness, you may use the treatment masque if needed* Continue this regimen until after your skin is fully healed/you have stopped peeling (approx. 5–7 days)

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